Monday 22 August 2011

Kehinde Wiley and inter-textuality

This weeks ALVC class focuses on the Postmodern theme "INTERTEXTUALITY", re-read Extract 1 The death of the author on page 39 of your ALVC books and respond to the oil paintings of Kehinde Wiley.

1. Find a clear definition of Intertextuality and quote it accurately on your blog using the APA referencing system. Use your own words to explain the definition more thoroughly.

"the whole network of relations, conventions, and expectations by which the text is defined; the relationship between texts"
-Dictionary, (n.d.), retrieved August 29 2011, from

Intertexuality is when sombody views an artwork and then they compare/ relate it to something they are more familiar with or something close to home and then understand it alot more because of the knowledge you have of that particular thing/place that your familiar with. Many artists are used to this way of understanding art and many people realise that new artists have the same understanding of past art as we do in present art.

2. Research Wiley's work and write a paragraph that analyzes how we might make sense of his work. Identify intertextuality in Wiley's work.

Above: © Kehinde Wiley: Notorious B.I.G., 2005, Oil on canvas, 6 x 8 feet

Click to enlarge image Three Graces
Kehinde Wiley, 2005
Oil and enamel on canvas
182.9 x 423.8 cm (72 x 96 in)
Hort Family Collection, courtesy Roberts & Tilton, Los Angeles, California
© Kehinde Wiley

Click to enlarge image Ice T
Kehinde Wiley, 2005
Oil on canvas
243.8 x 182.9 cm (96 x 72 in)
Private collection, courtesy Rhona Hoffman Gallery

2. 2. Wileys work is mostly photographs of African American men that he sights on the streets and then edits the photos to the point where theyre to be viewed as a higher being/heroic/super.He constantly attempts to portray the idea of anatomy and mascularity of men through his paintings. Wiley tries to put young black men in the spotlight Intertextuality is present in his work in terms of the racial feud /history between blacks and whites. Immediately Im reminded of the historic seperated society when the“white”people were in high positions as opposed to the “black people.” The time when “black people” were mistreated and enslaved .I find wileys photographs of african american men dressed in this apparel make us think more deeply about whether we could class those men as what we think of them on the outside .. "Gangster, Thug"...This intertwines with the historic side of african americans because judgement is the main factor altering our mindset and how we see things.

3. Wiley's work relates to next weeks Postmodern theme "PLURALISM" . Read page 46 and discuss how the work relates to this theme.

. Wiley’s work relates to pluralism because he reminds us that men from a cultural background other than European are just as equal. They are equal in everyway. The post-modern belief is that we are all equal. There is no cultural barriers in the post-modern world. Wiley is one of the “visual communicators [who] critically integrate concepts of pluralism” into their artworks to get this message across. Which he portrays in his work accurately.

4. Comment on how Wiley's work raises questions around social/cultural hierarchies , colonisation, globalisation, stereotypes and the politics which govern a western worldview.

Wiley's work aims at social and cultural people. The judging others by the colour of their skin and how the 'white' man is the most powerful being on earth. Having the Black man around is the lowest standard in the human chain. He attempts to clearly portray his messages through his artwork/photographs. He shows that the colour of your skin doesnt matter, that you dont have to be 'white' to have a high paid job or get more respect, you dont need to be 'white' to be able to be a CEO or etc. He confronts and defies all stereotypical people and forces them to realise that the world we are in now dosent revolve around judgement of the colour of your skin but by who you are as a person inside. The world is multi-cultural and there are not just black and whites in the world we have pacific islanders,indians,asians, arabic people and alot more, even combined cultures . Wiley's work is a great example of unity and ending racism. A reinforcement to the great Martin Luthor King's speeches.

5. Add some reflective comments of your own, which may add more information that
you have read during your research.

I admire Wiley's work as it enhances and emphasises the cultures of the world, his work may consist of only black males but the message is deep and alot more meaningful to everybody.We learn to appreacate the black community and race. His artwork in general is very post modern to me because of he colours hes used, bright colourful. His work captures the audience, making them think more about judgement race, deep about lifes choices. His ideas and concepts are straightforward and strong.


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