Monday 22 August 2011

Pluralism and the Treaty of Waitangi

Use this discussion, the notes in your ALVC book and the internet to respond to the following

1. Define the term 'pluralism' using APA referencing.

"A condition in which numerous distinct ethnic, religious, or cultural groups are present and tolerated within a society." Pluralism. (retrieved 30 August, 2011).

2. How would you describe New Zealand's current dominant culture?

I think there isnt a dominant culture in New Zealand, I think every culture is equal. New Zealand is very diverse in this area, a multi cultural country. We have immigrants from all over the world. Although the lifestyle we live in NZ is more westernised, coming from Europeans/pakeha.So, I think others may view NZ culture based on European lifestyle. Making them believe that NZ is dominated by the european culture. Maori culture would be considered a dominant culture if I had to view it like that. It represents pacific islanders too . The fact that NZ have a mixture of cultures helps me to understand why our country is so diverse.

3. Before 1840, what was New Zealand's dominant culture?

The Maori culture was dominant before 1840 around the time when the Treaty of Waitangi was signed. When the Europeans had arrived.

4. How does the Treaty of Waitangi relate to us all as artists and designers working
in New Zealand?

The Treaty relates to us as artists in many ways.We are all Kiwis, without the treaty we would'nt be at the stage we are at now. We use the history of our people to generate idea's for our artworks. We are constantly reminded of the importance of culture and how we apply it to our lives. Embracing the history of NZ including the treaty can help artists n the creativity process they need to produce great NZ made work. Which nowadays many people will appreciate and buy because its "NZ made".We should try to keep Maori tradition/tagata whenua, culture in the picture too because of the significance it has over the history of NZ. It gives us something to work from and makes us more unique because of our multicultural country, made possible from the events that took place with the treaty of waitagi years ago.

5. How can globalization be seen as having a negative effect on regional diversity in New Zealand in particular?

In a country like New Zealand, small and loyal to our roots, globalization can be a threat to our culture/s. There is the threat of slowly losing grip of our roots/ the Maori history that has helped to make New Zealand globally known.Because of the new technologies introduced and slowly replacing our lifestyle or altering what we've gained through historical events.

6. Shane Cotton's paintings are said to examine the cultural landscape. Research Cotton's work 'Welcome'(2004) and 'Forked Tongue' (2011) to analyze what he is saying about colonialization and the Treaty of Waitangi.

Artist: COTTON, Shane | Title: Welcome. | Date: 2004 | Technique: lithograph, printed in black ink, from one stone | Copyright: © Shane Cotton, represented by Sherman Galleries, Sydney

Primary Artist
Shane COTTON (1964 - )


Date made

lithograph, printed in black ink, from one stone

Matrix Size
45.4 x 55.0 cm (printed image)

Shane Cotton, Back Bone, 2010, acrylic on canvas, 1400 x 1400 mm
Shane Cotton, New Work

Michael Lett Gallery, Auckland
Until July 31 2010

Shane Cotton is a New Zealand artist, who is maori/pakeha. He tries to paint two cultures, Maori and Pakeha/European and the experiences theyve shared over time in New Zealand. "Cotton’s work has addressed historical contact and the way in which the process of painting effects change by re-presenting figures and symbols from the past." (Flight Paths, 2007). Cotton hs been through "transitional cultural episodes" where Maori people had first been introduced to Europeans and the new technology they had to offer. Cotton elaborates about time changing in the cultural landscape, "historical instances of “flux, change, adaptation and alteration” (Flight Paths, 2007)

7. Tony Albert's installation 'Sorry' (2008) reflect the effects of colonization on the aboriginal people of Australia. Research the work and comment on what Albert is communicating through his work, and what he is referring to. Describe the materials that Albert uses on this installation and say what he hopes his work can achieve. Define the term 'kitsch'.

Tony Albert | Sorry 2008 | Found kitsch objects applied to vinyl letters | 99 objects: 200 x 510 x

The artwork "Sorry" is a commemoration/apology made by Kevin Rudd, the former Prime Minister of Australia, to the indigenous Australians (Aboriginies/Aboriginal People) who have suffered from 'past mistreatment' by the Australian Goverment. Albert kept in mind the life of the abo's or aboriginies and pays respect to the indigenous Australians and reminds people of and emphasises Kevin Rudd's apology. This apology was made on the 13th of february 2008.
'Kitsch" objects are mass produced meaning not much sentimental worth and value, its either an identical work of art to a very popular piece of art that isnt worth much, these were used in his work "sorry", 99 kitsch objects applied to vinyl letters 200 x 510 x 10 cm installed. Tony Albert used items that were very siginificant to him because they were personal items that represented his close family and culture, display iconography that everybody can see. empowering the aboriginies. This five letter word meant a lot that day, having alberts work emphasise that point with depth and bringing in himself personally assisted the audience towards admiring the work even more.

8. Explain how the work of both artists relates to pluralism.

Each artist displays the different cultures but unites them at the same time. Each artist didnt worry much about religion etc but showed the transitions of culture, therefore displaying pluralism. although I do think both the artist's works relate to pluralism through the concepts of culture through the aboriginal, or indigineous people of their countries and not just the dominant cultures. They both refer to history of their culture and how its still evident today.


Kehinde Wiley and inter-textuality

This weeks ALVC class focuses on the Postmodern theme "INTERTEXTUALITY", re-read Extract 1 The death of the author on page 39 of your ALVC books and respond to the oil paintings of Kehinde Wiley.

1. Find a clear definition of Intertextuality and quote it accurately on your blog using the APA referencing system. Use your own words to explain the definition more thoroughly.

"the whole network of relations, conventions, and expectations by which the text is defined; the relationship between texts"
-Dictionary, (n.d.), retrieved August 29 2011, from

Intertexuality is when sombody views an artwork and then they compare/ relate it to something they are more familiar with or something close to home and then understand it alot more because of the knowledge you have of that particular thing/place that your familiar with. Many artists are used to this way of understanding art and many people realise that new artists have the same understanding of past art as we do in present art.

2. Research Wiley's work and write a paragraph that analyzes how we might make sense of his work. Identify intertextuality in Wiley's work.

Above: © Kehinde Wiley: Notorious B.I.G., 2005, Oil on canvas, 6 x 8 feet

Click to enlarge image Three Graces
Kehinde Wiley, 2005
Oil and enamel on canvas
182.9 x 423.8 cm (72 x 96 in)
Hort Family Collection, courtesy Roberts & Tilton, Los Angeles, California
© Kehinde Wiley

Click to enlarge image Ice T
Kehinde Wiley, 2005
Oil on canvas
243.8 x 182.9 cm (96 x 72 in)
Private collection, courtesy Rhona Hoffman Gallery

2. 2. Wileys work is mostly photographs of African American men that he sights on the streets and then edits the photos to the point where theyre to be viewed as a higher being/heroic/super.He constantly attempts to portray the idea of anatomy and mascularity of men through his paintings. Wiley tries to put young black men in the spotlight Intertextuality is present in his work in terms of the racial feud /history between blacks and whites. Immediately Im reminded of the historic seperated society when the“white”people were in high positions as opposed to the “black people.” The time when “black people” were mistreated and enslaved .I find wileys photographs of african american men dressed in this apparel make us think more deeply about whether we could class those men as what we think of them on the outside .. "Gangster, Thug"...This intertwines with the historic side of african americans because judgement is the main factor altering our mindset and how we see things.

3. Wiley's work relates to next weeks Postmodern theme "PLURALISM" . Read page 46 and discuss how the work relates to this theme.

. Wiley’s work relates to pluralism because he reminds us that men from a cultural background other than European are just as equal. They are equal in everyway. The post-modern belief is that we are all equal. There is no cultural barriers in the post-modern world. Wiley is one of the “visual communicators [who] critically integrate concepts of pluralism” into their artworks to get this message across. Which he portrays in his work accurately.

4. Comment on how Wiley's work raises questions around social/cultural hierarchies , colonisation, globalisation, stereotypes and the politics which govern a western worldview.

Wiley's work aims at social and cultural people. The judging others by the colour of their skin and how the 'white' man is the most powerful being on earth. Having the Black man around is the lowest standard in the human chain. He attempts to clearly portray his messages through his artwork/photographs. He shows that the colour of your skin doesnt matter, that you dont have to be 'white' to have a high paid job or get more respect, you dont need to be 'white' to be able to be a CEO or etc. He confronts and defies all stereotypical people and forces them to realise that the world we are in now dosent revolve around judgement of the colour of your skin but by who you are as a person inside. The world is multi-cultural and there are not just black and whites in the world we have pacific islanders,indians,asians, arabic people and alot more, even combined cultures . Wiley's work is a great example of unity and ending racism. A reinforcement to the great Martin Luthor King's speeches.

5. Add some reflective comments of your own, which may add more information that
you have read during your research.

I admire Wiley's work as it enhances and emphasises the cultures of the world, his work may consist of only black males but the message is deep and alot more meaningful to everybody.We learn to appreacate the black community and race. His artwork in general is very post modern to me because of he colours hes used, bright colourful. His work captures the audience, making them think more about judgement race, deep about lifes choices. His ideas and concepts are straightforward and strong.


Hussein Chalayan

Chalayan is an artist and designer, working in film, dress and installation art. Research Chalayan’s work, and then consider these questions in some thoughtful reflective writing.

1. Chalayan’s works in clothing, like Afterwords (2000) and Burka (1996) , are often challenging to both the viewer and the wearer. What are your personal responses to these works? Are Afterwords and Burka fashion, or are they art? What is the difference?

Not all clothing is fashion, so what makes fashion fashion?

I believe that the both, Afterwords (2000) and Burka (1996), represent art rather then fashion. Fashion is more of a designed piece of clothing or something that would be wearable or have more style and use for people. In these works of art it shows images of either nude or topless models. This usually wouldnt feature on a runway show or in a magazine collection as it is revealing and more of a form of art. Art is very expressive and can be in any form. Successful art works capture the audience no matter what is going on in the art work itself. The fashion industry is a bit more reserved, although there are possibly topless or half naked models going down the runway, it wouldnt be as revealing as going fully nude .

2. Chalayan has strong links to industry. Pieces like The Level Tunnel (2006) and Repose (2006) are made in collaboration with, and paid for by, commercial business; in these cases, a vodka company and a crystal manufacturer. How does this impact on the nature of Chalayan’s work? Does the meaning of art change when it is used to sell products? Is it still art?

To me, Art could be anything, So honestly I dont think it changes because of advertising purposes. Art and advertisement material have similarities as in how they are viewed. Many would look at art the same as how they look at advertising 'The Level Tunnel' enhances the viewers experience by making them feel as if theyre in the art and how it became what it is, and can experience the meaning or message of the advert. This work combines two different genres of art and advertisement, and giving the viewer a treat or a full experience. Viewers and consumers can see how its very different to other advertisements.

3. Chalayan’s film Absent Presence screened at the 2005 Venice Biennale. It features the process of caring for worn clothes, and retrieving and analysing the traces of the wearer, in the form of DNA. This work has been influenced by many different art movements; can you think of some, and in what ways they might have inspired Chalayan’s approach?

Post modernism, art can be something Chalayan mightve been influenced by. The film he created shows post modernity and shows new ways of collecting DNA and collecting research which is compeltely different. Chalayan brings in more technology into his art and society and diplays how technology/machines are making life easier.
4. Many of Chalayan’s pieces are physically designed and constructed by someone else; for example, sculptor Lone Sigurdsson made some works from Chalayan’s Echoform (1999) and Before Minus Now (2000) fashion ranges. In fashion design this is standard practice, but in art it remains unexpected. Work by artists such as Jackson Pollock hold their value in the fact that he personally made the painting. Contrastingly, Andy Warhol’s pop art was largely produced in a New York collective called The Factory, and many of his silk-screened works were produced by assistants. Contemporarily, Damien Hirst doesn’t personally build his vitrines or preserve the sharks himself. So when and why is it important that the artist personally made the piece?

To me I think art is all about originality, ownership , resposibility etc To me an artist involves themselves into their works, designing and creating their own artwork from start to finish. When an artist creates new artwork it should represent who they are personally and shows their emotions or talent they possess and what work they are capable of making. Nowadays there are many who are just copying other designs that already have been taken and put their own twist to it i dont think its a big issue but some people may have issues with it something someone else did, the original will be noticed alot more.Obviously.


Post modernism, Ai Weiwei and Banksy

1. Define Post-Modernism using 8-10 bullet points that include short quotes.

The Period in which we now live in is known as the 'Post-Modern'era.

"Postmodernism respects ‘process’ and ‘becoming,’ preferring openness, transparency, and the unbounded." (Witcombe, 2001)

"Postmodernists do not attempt to refine their thoughts about what is right or wrong, true or false, good or evil." (‘Postmodernism –What is Truth?” 2002-11)

Postmodernism can be broken down into the terms post and modernism meaning after the modern period. (Saugstad, 2001)

It is a “rejection of the tenets of modernism; that is to say, a rejection of the doctrine of the supremacy of reason, the notion of truth, the belief in the perfectibility of man and the idea that he could be better, if not perfect in society.” (Witcombe, 2000)

"Postmodernism partakes of certainty, insecurity, doubt and accepts ambiguity." (witcombe, 2001)

"The period in which we now live is often called "postmodernism" (Saugstad, 2001)

"Postmodernism will appear similar to what is also called ‘New Age’ thinking." (Witcombe, 2001

"Postmodernism "seeks to revise Modernism’s premises and traditional concepts" (Witcombe, 2001)

2. Use a quote by Witcombe (2000) to define the Post-Modern artist.

“the post-modern artist is ‘reflective ‘ in that he/she is self-aware and consciously involved in a process of thinking about him/herself and society in a deconstructive manner, ‘damasking’ pretensions, becoming aware of his/her cultural self in history, and accelerating the process of self-consciousness.”

3. Use the grid on pages 42 and 43 to summarize the list of the features of Post-

Looking at the grid, I find that there isnt just one category that gives answers to what post modernity is, I think that there is a vast range of concepts or features . Post-modernity concepts/features seem to have come out of the idea's based around Modernism . The Artists looked to have focused on the experimenting and play on images . Adapting to new technologies . Anyways, Hyper-reality represents power over the 'real' and which can be explored in different ways of media, thought and art . Anything can be considered as art, because of the new concepts or movements that arised from the modernism/ post modernity period.

4. Use this summary to answer the next two questions.

5. Research Chinese artist Ai Weiwei's 'Han Dynasty Urn with Coca-Cola logo'(1994)
in order to say what features of the work are Post-Modern.

Ai Weiwei (born 18 May 1957) is a Chinese artist and political activist, who is also active in architecture, curating, photography, film, and social and cultural criticism.[1][2] Ai collaborated with Swiss architects Herzog & de Meuron as the artistic consultant on the Beijing National Stadium for the 2008 Olympics.[3] As a political activist, he has been highly and openly critical of the Chinese Government's stance on democracy and human rights. He has investigated government corruption and cover-ups, in particular the Sichuan schools corruption scandal following the collapse of so-called "tofu-skin schools" in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake.[4] In 2011, following his arrest at Beijing airport on 3 April, he was held for over two months without any official charges being filed; officials alluded to their allegations of "economic crimes" (tax evasion).

'Han Dynasty Urn with Coca-Cola logo'(1994), Ai Weiwei

Ai Weiwei, Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn, 1995

6. Research British artist Banksy's street art, and analyze the following two works by the artist
to discuss how each work can be defined at Post-Modern.(Use your list from point 6.)
'Flower Riot', Banksy

Los Angeles (2008), Banksy

Banksy is a pseudonymous England-based graffiti artist, political activist, film director and painter.His satirical street art and subversive epigrams combine irreverent dark humour with graffiti done in a distinctive stencilling technique. Such artistic works of political and social commentary have been featured on streets, walls, and bridges of cities throughout the world.[1]

Banksy is known as an 'undergoround' artist, meaning most of his stenciled, print, airbrush, propaganda artwork was displayed on the streets of bristol. Most of his work included Grafitti. One of his works, "Flower riot" shows his ability in working well with stencils and colour. His ideas though are the more fascinating area. In this work, the subject looks dangerous, associated with crime and violence. created in a throwing stance, almost as if he's ready to throw a brick, molotov, possibly a grenade. Instead banksy has omitted that image from the work and our minds and has replaced it with a bunch of colorful flowers. This is an example of experimenting and playing around with images, that emphasise the philosophical movement, "Post-Modernity". Banksy's work clearly displays features of the Post-Modern era.

The work , "Los Angeles - 2008" is similar to Ai Weiwei's Coca-Cola urn. Bringing takeways to the artwork.It is a mixture of the past and present, displaying a form of history, evolution, how food has evolved very fast and humans are getting there or showing the different media that is present in our lives today.


Natalie Djuberg's Claymations

1. What do you understand by the word 'claymation'?

To me, "Claymation" can be a series of still pictures of clay models that are played at high speed to give the illusion of a moving object. Constantly taking shots of the clay models slightly altered to immitate human-like movement and then playing them back at speed to show movement without having to physically move it as a whole. "Claymation is the generalized term for clay animation, a form of stop animation using clay". ( Claymation is used in a lot of media, particularly movies,such as ‘Coraline’ directed by Henry Selick and Nick Park’s ‘Wallace and Gromit’. These demonstrate exactly what claymation can do, creating objects or characters from clay or mouldable material and using methods to make them move as an animation.

2. What is meant by the term 'surrealistic Garden of Eden'? and 'all that is natural goes awry'?

Djuberg's work display's the dream side or the unreal side. For example, "The Garden of Eden", is known as the setting of Adam and Eve, The first people that God had created.Desribed as a beautiful place, lush green grass, blue skies, immaculate landscape, perfect flowers, a happy environment. Natural landscape. With Djuberg's twist on the story, she has completely gone opposite with the story and instead of the bright, happy, natural environment and people, she's created a very dark and sinister world. With the characters also showing their sinister way's. The landscape and flowers in particular are out of proportion. It is a disturbing twist to the original story, showing surrealism and the awry/ twist in the story.

3. What are the 'complexity of emotions' that Djurberg confronts us with?

First of all most would find it disturbing, such as I, it's very surreal, and dark, not my type of art, most of the time :P.. But also, some would see it as a very different form of art and be interested. Most would find this dark fantasy amusing, as it is unacceptable in society but, there could those who are curious and would be confused, toying with emotions and perceptions of right and wrong. "Through minutely composed sequences of stop motion animations, Djuberg toys with society's perceptions of right and wrong, exposing our own innate fears of what we do not understand and illustrating the complexity that arises when we are confronted with these with these emotions"(Regine,2009). Her confidence in displaying such work also contributes to the mixed emotions her work can cause amongst audience.

4. How does Djurberg" play with the ideas of children's stories, and innocence in some of her work?

Djurbergs stop-motion animations are hand-modeled plasticine puppets. They remind me of TV programmes that I watched when I was a kid. Djurberg's stories are similar to traditional folktales and old childrens book stories such as little red riding hood. They deal with archetypical themes and involve traditional roles as the good and the bad. The films also have magical characters e.g. a wolf, a bear , a tiger, a evil reptile. In comparison to fairytales strange and magical things happen in Djurberg's films also; animals talk, and humans fly.

5. There is a current fascination by some designers with turning the innocent and sweet into something disturbing. Why do you think this has come about?

This new fascination of turning the innocent and sweet to something disturbing/ Good gone bad, can attract a more interested audience. Because of the unlikely change and the "forbidden" thoughts displayed in public it can attract more because of its abscence and uncommon appearance. The attention that Djubergs work gets is great. More acknowledgement because it's a different view, therefore more reason and reinforcement of the idea of following this new fascination and emphasisng more upon it.

6. In your opinion, why do you think Djurberg's work is so interesting that it was chosen for the Venice Biennale?

To me, I reckon it was the very different ideas that she had implied in her work. Also how the work as a whole is very different to th norm. e.g paintings, sculpture, abstract art. Her twisted ideas are clearly shown and the confidence she has to be able to display such weird,disturbing, sinister, dark, work is amusing. The workrate also of producing claymation also couldve contributed towards her work chosen for the Venice Biennale.

7. Add some of your own personal comments on her work.

I found Djuberg's work a little provocative and controversial because I dont really like twisted and dark work. But, I do appreciate her courage to bring forth those ideas, with no fear. I admire her hardwork too, as in the claymation and the time it mustve taken to complete. She is a great artist, but to me the sinister ideas are hard for me to adapt to. All in all I like her hardwork and effort because it looked complex and it did affect me mentally for e.g. , mixed emotions, and that itself is very amusing .
